
Unlock complete control of your business with COR•REC, ensuring simplicity without unnecessary complexity.

One-Time Price

Bid farewell to recurring monthly fees. With COR•REC, you pay a one-time price and own the software forever, generating incalculable savings.


COR•REC can be used offline without an internet connection. Your data is safe, secure, and always accessible.


Ready to ditch the spreadsheets and launch your dream business?

We get it. You're out there juggling a million things, hustling hard, and building something amazing. But let's face it, dealing with clunky accounting software and cobbled-together business tools can suck the life out of even the most ambitious entrepreneur.

That's where we come in. We're the anti-boring. We're your secret weapon against late nights spent wrestling spreadsheets, your magic potion for efficiency, and your cheerleader in the startup arena.

For over 30 years, we've been obsessed with one thing: building flexible, expandable business management solutions that help entrepreneurs like you focus on what matters most – growing your vision.

Learn more about the COR•REC Platform


Why use COR•REC

One-Time Price, Unlimited Potential

Take control of your business finances and fuel your growth with our expandable and flexible solution. COR•REC encompasses all the essential tools you need to efficiently track your finances, create budgets, and generate insightful reports for better decision-making.

Cost-Saving Features:

COR•REC Accounting has built-in alerts and user error detection features, helping you catch and rectify potential issues before they become major problems, ultimately saving you money and frustration.

No Data Limits:

COR•REC Accounting doesn't impose data limits, providing you with the flexibility to manage your financial data without constraints ensuring that your financial reporting needs are met without any hurdles.

Extensive Reporting Options:

Information is indeed the fuel of success, and COR•REC delivers it abundantly. With unlimited standard and detailed audit and financial reports, you have all the insights you need at your fingertips, facilitating informed decision-making for your business.

Quick and Stress-Free Setup:

Setting up COR•REC is a breeze, taking less than 5 minutes with three simple steps. Just select your Chart of Accounts, optionally add your logo for a personalized touch, and choose your preferences.

Maximum Efficiency

With COR•REC Business Management, running your entire company is a smooth and efficient process. Its automation processes handle repetitive tasks while you focus on core operations, maximizing productivity and saving you valuable time.

Intuitive User Experience:

If you're already familiar with paying bills and invoicing clients, then you'll feel right at home with COR•REC. Its intuitive interface ensures a seamless transition, eliminating the need for extensive training or learning processes.

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† CORGROUP, the CORGROUP logo and COR•REC are registered trademarks in the US Patent and Trademark Office.